我們發現這些寄宿家庭可以寄宿家庭。 如果您想了解有關寄宿家庭的更多信息,請點擊信息,您將看到寄宿家庭主人的更多信息。 更多照片,見證和本地信息。
寄宿家庭已註冊。 Hebei, 中國 ( 1 )
This is an open family with a happy boy. We live in a coastal city which is about 280 km away from Beijing. We are ready to welcome someone come liv...more
我們正在尋找合作夥伴寄宿家庭機構。 (閱讀更多)
from 中國
My sister attends The Albany Academies in New York and I hope there will be a home near the school t
Jiangsu Nov.2024
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