这些消息由感兴趣的访客发布到主机。 他们都在寻找寄宿家庭。 点击他们的名字联系客人。 如果您是来宾,请发布您的请求。 发布您的请求
客人的要求被找到。 台湾 ( 2 )
我一家四口將於12月28日至1月4日前往台灣。 父親56歲, 母親48歲, 一個精力充沛的11歲男孩, 一個嬌生慣養的8歲女孩。 我會說一點中文。一點點! 沒有人抽煙。 我沒有食物過敏。 沒有宗教。
Hello, we are a couple. My 29-year-old with 25-year-old girlfriend Sydney at first place for a working holiday and wanted to fi...
Taipei, 台湾
*Hello! I am CHEN, My wife and I live together, we like to travel around and are happy to communicat
家庭成員有2為大人 一隻狗 活潑可愛 已經有homestay 經驗豐富 聯络我可以看更多照片
We are local 台湾ese family. We are a couple retired from banking and have a married son and daugh
momodaroHello Welcome to 台湾.My name is Brian nice too meet you. I like exchange language from a
Hualien, 台湾
Dear Guests: There are only three people in my family. I'm a full time homestay host. Hop
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