這些消息由感興趣的訪客發佈到主機。 他們都在尋找寄宿家庭。 點擊他們的名字聯繫客人。 如果您是來賓,請發布您的請求。 發布您的請求
客人的要求被找到。 Aichi, 日本 ( 2 )
Hello! My name is Riko. I’m 22. I am looking for a host family for 5months. I am aiming for professional ballet dancer.
Hi I’m requesting a host fam. I’m 15 turning 16, I’m very reliable and I know house chores. I’m from Philippines....
Tokyo, 日本
Free stay for those from Ukraine. If you are a refugee from Ukraine, you can stay here for free. Th
Saitama, 日本
I have some traditional guest rooms in an independent-farmer style house. There are 5 of them. A typ
Kanagawa, 日本
We want to be a friend with another countries people. I can teach you tea ceremony, flower arrangeme
-You use private room.-Pick up airport(option-fee)-There is an opportunity to teach English/French i
Osaka, 日本
I was an exchange student when 17 years old in Australia, would love to be a host. our houses that 3
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