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客人的要求被找到。 Scotland, 英国 ( 2 )
Good afternoon, My name is Kateryna, and I am currently looking for a host family for my son, Dmytro. He is studying in S5 ...
I will be touring Scotland and am looking where to stay in the region between Edimburgh and Tain, preferably in small towns. I wou...
London, 英国
Ours is a 4 bedroom house with a large garden. Though we are quite a quiet family, we also have a bu
South East England, 英国
Hi there!We live in a seaside resort called Broadstairs which is in Kent. We are only one and a hal
Brighton, 英国
Beautiful Railway Cottage by Falmer Station & the University of Sussex.Large, modern, bright Stu
we are a hongkong family with one 5 years old, with a friendly big dogwe love to meet people from an
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