加拿大 is globally recognized for its outstanding quality of life, stable, progressive political environment and one of the healthiest economies in the world. The United Nations ranked 加拿大 the best country in the world in which to live for eight consecutive years, and we love to share our clean, safe, beautiful country with visitors from around the world.

寄宿家庭 澳大利亚
寄宿家庭 加拿大
寄宿家庭 新西兰
寄宿家庭 日本
寄宿家庭 联合王国
寄宿家庭 美国
寄宿家庭 欧洲
寄宿家庭 北欧
寄宿家庭 东北亚
寄宿家庭 东南亚
寄宿家庭 南美洲
寄宿家庭 中东
寄宿家庭 非洲

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