我們發現這些寄宿家庭可以寄宿家庭。 如果您想了解有關寄宿家庭的更多信息,請點擊信息,您將看到寄宿家庭主人的更多信息。 更多照片,見證和本地信息。
寄宿家庭已註冊。 羅馬尼亞 ( 6 )
We have a sef catering cosy holiday apartment with 3 rooms, fully furnished in the heart of Carpathian Mountains in Busteni Ski Resort, Prahova Valley...more
Roxana is 20 years old. She speaks English. Roxana is at home everyday. Rodica is 45 and she works Monday to Saturday. Elena is 76 years old and...more
A sinpla and young family....more
We are a family of four, we have two daughters, but now they live in Bucharest. It took us over a decade to build our house, it's the place that we...more
Valy, best mom in the world,a natural born psychologist, hardworking,cultural,creates wonders around garden,kitchen and people's hearts.(German) ...more
It is a pleasure to share this beautiful home, in which I am living with my parents, with nice people from all over the world....more
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